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PHP & MySql Complete Video Course | Urdu/Hindi

PHP stands for Hyper Text Pre-Processor which is an open source web development language used for creating dynamic websites and web applications. This language has been very popular over the past few years, and today, millions of websites on the web use PHP as their main back-end development language. However, there is Asp.net (formally ASP) in the market which is also used massively, but unlike ASP which is a Microsoft product, PHP has support for OOP (Object Oriented Programming), and many other features including very good security options, and PHP is an open source web development language. This is a complete course for learning PHP & MySQL, MySQL is used as a database with PHP which is also a popular software used by thousands of companies today for storing text information.
free php & mqsql full course
We created a simple search engine in PHP as well. And we therefore will continue our efforts to make this website the best learning place for Urdu and Hindi users. Furthermore, you can use the search box in our website to find more tutorials related to web development and particularly PHP/MySQL, just write your keyword there and you’ll see all the tutorials/posts in front of you.

What will you learn in this complete course?

In this course, there are hundreds of PHP/MySQL video tutorials included in Urdu/Hindi, You’ll learn many new things from this course, I’ve tried my best to teach you PHP/MySQL from scratch. However, some of the key points you’ll learn in this course are as follow:

1. What’s PHP
2. What’s MySQL
3. All Basic PHP Commands
4. All Basic PHP Functions
5. All Global Variables
6. All Super Global Arrays
7. Creating a Student Registration Form 
8. Creating a Basic Website
9. Creating a Complete Website & CMS
10. Creating an advanced Website & CMS (Malala Project)
11. Sending Emails
12. Uploading Websites to online web server
Much More…

PHP & MySQL free tutorials in Urdu/Hindi

Now I’ve sorted all the videos in a single playlist on YouTube, so you can watch them all in a single playlist, there are 105 video tutorials included in this playlist, you need to just watch one video & the another one will play automatically, if you are watching the videos from Pakistan then do use (ZenMate) which is a chrome extension, this is because the videos are hosted on YouTube, and YouTube is not opening in Pakistan, so you’ll need to use a VPN in order to watch these all awesome video tutorials in Urdu/Hindi.

Watch the whole playlist:

I’ll be adding more videos to this playlist time by time, this complete course is absolutely free because we’ve created a new updated paid course on PHP & MySQLi which has all the latest functions & new learning. Therefore, we’ve uploaded this course for free so you can take benefit from it.
As this is your own website, so if you have any questions or need any help then do not hesitate to contact me instantly using below comment form, I’ll be glad to help you out personally on my website. Please do not post irrelevant comments on this post, only post questions related to this post or related to PHP & MySQL, that will make sense for everybody and will be helpful to everyone. Wish you all the best!
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